The sites listed below provide helpful information and resources that support language development. Speech2Teach lists these sites as resources our users may wish to explore and learn from. However, we do NOT intend to advertise or endorse a particular product or professional. Parents and caregivers who have concerns regarding their child's speech and language abilities are urged to consult a licensed speech-language pathologist.
Virtual Dice​ love this one because of the sound effect.
Virtual Spinner This one is great because it is easy to customize. The cheers and confetti are a nice touch.
Magic Hat/Random Name Picker What's more engaging than seeing your name pop out of a magic hat? Adapt this for nearly any activity.
Boom Cards Purchase interactive lessons or create your own.
Act It Out (Free Sample) Click on a card to display a scenario for students to act out.
Act It Out (Full Version) Scenario cards and Discussion prompts including sentence frames and vocabulary words lists targeting feeling words, character traits, and pragmatc language prompts. This download includes digital and p
Asha.org American Speech and Hearing Association’s official site.
Child Development Institute Parent-friendly information and resources about child development including parenting articles and developmental milestone charts.
How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? Developmental charts helping caregivers understand typical language development from birth to 5 years of age (from the American Speech and Hearing Association).
Your Child's Communication Development Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. Easy to read charts designed to inform teachers and caregivers about language milestones (from the American Speech and Hearing Association).
Autism Speaks Comprehensive source of resources and information for families and professionals.
The Autism Support Network Provides a wealth of information and valuable resources for professionals and parents.
Beyond Play sells products particularly appropriate for Early Intervention.
Creative Therapy Store.com A resource for purchasing therapy materials including games, books and intervention activities.
Different Roads to Learning offers materials and resources that support the autism community.
Do2Learn.com offers educational materials, including some nice freebies. This site is useful for teachers and parents of children with special needs.
Earobics.com A multi-sensory approach to reading intervention.
Watch me learn.com offers information and products supporting the technique of video modeling to enhance social as well as speech and language skills.
Sensory Edge offers therapy materials and school supplies.
Speechtherapygames.comPerkilou Products Affordable Speech Therapy Materials - offering speech therapy games for preschool through middle school age children. Use games kids love to teach and reinforce speech and language skills.
Speechtx.com includes a variety of printable materials targeting articulation,,literacy and augmentative communication.
Stages Learning Materials real-photo teaching tools including picture cards, puzzles books, thematic kits and more.
Tdsocialskills.com Provide information and tools that help children learn and sustain social relationships.
The Therapy Bag Educational products for speech pathologists and other educators
Communication Connects.com Offers parent articles and interactive activities including “story making machine” that enhance speech and language development.
Creative Communicating.com This company, founded by Pati King Debaum M.S. CCC-SLP offers visual supports and other materials that enhance receptive and expressive communication abilities. Also visit adaptedstories.com
icommunicatetherapy.com Both therapists and caregivers will find the free downloads this offers as informative and useful. Many different communication and learning difficulties are addressed.
Educational Freeware.com offers reviews and links to free, quality educational software.
SocialSkillBuilder.com This site offers computer software designed to enhance social thinking, language, and behavior.
Starfall.com Free, fun software that teaches early literacy skills.
The Story Place.org Interactive activities and fun, language-enhancing, stories.
Speaking of Speech.com An interactive forum for speech pathologists and teachers. This site offers opportunities to exchange ideas. It also offers a multitude of helpful resources. The printable materials are free and very useful.
Tar Heel Reader A collection of free and easy-to-read books. Print a book or have your child listen to it on line. Also provides the option for you or your child to make your own book.
Mommyspeechtherapy.com Heidi Hanks, speech pathologists and mother of 3, shares tips, techniques, and valuable informations for speech pathologists and parents.
The CornerStone for Teachers Angela Watson, an educational consultant publishes print and online resources that make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.
Robinslp.Wordpress.com Informative blog by Robin Khan, speech-language pathologist.
Speech-language-therapy.com Caroline Bowen, a licensed speech pathologist based in Australia, provides a comprehensive list of websites related to speech-language pathology.
No time for Flashcards With wonderful contributing writers this website is full of clever ideas and insightful articles.
The School Speech Therapist Resources for teachers and professionals as well as a forum for speech therapists to network and share ideas.
Parent to Parent.com The organization Parent to Parent provides a multitude of resources including support groups for parents of individuals with disabilities. Our link will connect you to the NY branch of Parent to Parent. However, this organization works nation wide. Many states and cities have their own branches.
Teachers Pay Teachers An open marketplace for educators includes some great freebies.
Teacher's Notebook A venue to buy and sell teaching materials.
Reading with TLC A program designed to support struggling readers. Learn about research-based materials, strategies and professional development opportunities.
International Dyslexia Association offers information and support to students with reading disabilities and their families.
Brain Gym.com A program offered by Edu-Kinesthetics Inc. Braingym explores the relationship between specific body movements, brain function, and learning.
Children of the Code Learn about the relationship between spoken language, reading and neurology.
Ourtimestutter.org Our Time is a non-profit organization offering support for children who stutter and their families. After-school activities, summer camp and much more. Based in New York City.
The Stuttering Foundation The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.
Stuttering Center of Pennsylvania Specializes in evaluation and treatment of individuals who stutter.
The Stuttering Homepage Offers resources and links related to stuttering. Created by Judith Kuster
PROMPT Institute This organization promotes a multi-sensory approach to assessment and treatment of individuals with speech production difficulties.
Apraxia-Kids.org information and support for families of children with apraxia of speech.
Kaufman’s Center for speech, Language, Sensory Motor & Social Connections. Learn about the signs, symptoms and available treatments for childhood Apraxia of speech.
Dyspraxia Info A site that provides information about dyspraxia of speech.
Talktools.com Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, founder of Innovative Therapists International, specializes in oral-motor and feeding therapy. This site offers information and products based upon Rosenfeld-Johnson's research and expertise.
Phonetics Flash Animation Step by step animation of speech articulation. Includes description as well as audio and visual displays of spoken sounds.