Compare and Contrast Skill Building Pack

Compare & Contrast Skill Building Pack: A collection of visual cues, strategies and practice activities designed to help students gain foundation skills needed to compare and contrast.
What’s included?
• Strategy Booklet: 24 Cue Cards (2x7 inches each):
- Illustrated cover card “Let’s Compare”
- Compare with Adjectives: Illustrated cards encouraging use of basic adjectives size, color, shape and feeling.
- Helping Verbs: Supporting sentence formulation with use of helping verbs (is/are, can, has)
- Ask and Compare: Illustrated cue card encouraging use of “wh” questions
- Think and Say: Support word retrieval with illustrated cards connecting concept such as “color” with helping verbs “is/are” or the concept of “action” with helping verb “can”.
- Use your Senses: illustration and sentence starters using the 5-sense strategy to describe and compare.
- Er and Est – Illustration comparing 3 bears and teaching use of comparative suffixes –er and –est.
- Sentence Frames (comparing): 6 sentence frames facilitating comparative sentences with varying degrees of difficulty.
-Sentence Frames (contrasting) 4 sentence frames facilitating contrastive sentences with varying degrees (e.g using the words “but” or “however”)
-Sentence Samples Cue Card (comparing)
- Sentence Samples Cue Card (contrasting)
- Mini charts and diagram samples designed to facilitate discussion and practice in a small group setting.
- Key Word List: Words that help us Compare.
- Key Word List: Words that help us Contrast.
•24 Picture Pairs (2 x 4.75 inches): Illustrated cards each featuring a pair of items designed to stimulate production of comparative sentences. Some examples include cat/dog, hotdog/hamburger, frog/fish, farm/city, home/school, snowman/sandcastle.
•8 Graphic Organizers each graphic organizer prints on one letter size page (8x11).
- Venn Diagram
- Two-square Diagram
- Two-square Diagram with lines
- T- chart
- Using Senses to Describe Two Settings (table with visual cues)
- Using Senses to Describe Two Objects (table with visual cues)
- Using “WH” Questions to Compare and Contrast Two Objects
(table w/visual cues)
- Adding Details: Table with visual cues.
•5 worksheets:
- Similarities Vs. Differences Cut and Paste (2 worksheets): students sort phrases into sentences that describe similarities and differences. Worksheet 1 features cat and dog, the second features a doctor and a teacher.
-Compare with Adjectives and Suffix – Er: Fill in the blank.
- Compare and Contrast in Paragraphs (2 worksheets). The first paragraph describes similarities and differences between two brothers. The second passage compares alligators and crocodiles.
Note: For durability, lamination is suggested for strategy booklet and picture cards. Also note colors may vary depending on printer quality.