Character Trait Vocabulary and Comprehension Skill Building Pack

Help students identify and describe character traits with a variety of differentiated activities. Includes template for creating an adorable bulletin board. What's included?
•Strategy Booklet: 35 cue cards (2.64 x 7.02 inches) featuring visual strategies, word banks and engaging tools to facilitate discussion:
*Character Means “Who”: introduce the concept of “character with this illustrated cue card featuring colorful engaging characters.
*Character Trait Vocabulary: Features one of my favorite illustrated character in 12 different images (firefighter as “brave”, artist as “creative” witch as “grumpy” etc).
*Illustrated Synonym Word Banks: 7 cards feature an illustration for each word ( brave, persistent, nice, mean, silly/funny, and talented) and a list of synonyms.* External vs Internal Traits: 6 cards each featuring a character illustrated in color beside a it’s outline with a brief explanation of internal vs external traits. These cards are intended to facilitate discussion about observed vs inferred traits. Characters include (boy with a soccer ball, doctor, astronaut diver, witch, and clown.
*Word Bank External Traits
*Word Bank Internal Traits
*Perspective Discussion Prompts: 3 cards each featuring two characters
designed to facilitate discussion about character perspective. Illustrations include. Two kids vying for the same toy, an alien and boy meet, fish and fisherman meet.
*Formulating Sentences Cue Card: Colorful card featuring sentence starters and illustrations for “think” “say” and “do”
*In Their Shoes: 2 illustrated cards each featuring 5 illustrated shoes (boots, a princesses slipper, sneaker, muddy boots etc) facilitate discussion about picture clues that help us infer a character’s actions and traits.
*Character’s Objects: Illustrated card featuring objects (magic wand, cauldron, treasure, magnifying glass, a spaceship) facilitate discussion about picture clues and inferencing.
*Whose Hat: Illustrated card featuring 5 different hats (witch, cowboy, pirate, crown, clown). Again, this is an opportunity to engage in a conversation about external traits, predictions and inferences.
*Sentence Frames: 8 sentence frames varying in length and complexity to supplement any writing activity or verbal practice task.
*Clue Finder Tools: Facilitate discussion about text clues with 4 cards each
featuring a cutout “window” and an visual prompt (Appearance, dialogue, actions, thoughts/feelings)
•Word to Picture Match File Folder May also be used as a cut/paste. Features 8 illustrations of the same character engaging in different actions. There are two levels of vocabulary for each illustration. For example the superhero picture matches the words "brave" and "heroic". The clown picture matches the word "silly" and "humorous".
• 24 Printable Vocabulary Cards
• 20 Digital Cards: This is an interactive PDF, cards a “clickable:
• “Think, Say Do” Spinner Use a paper clip and pencil as a spinner. This printable works nicely with the vocabulary cards to facilitate discussion about traits vocabulary on the cards.
• “Think, Say Do” Sentence Starter Chart Sentence starters and visual cues organized in a chart of 3 columns ‘think’ ‘say’ and ‘do’ includes visual cues that match the spinner.
• Character Traits Worksheets
*Who Did What: Draw a line between character trait and action
*Who Said What: Draw a line between character trait and quote
*Guess My Character Trait 6 images of children each beside a character description. Includes a word bank.
*Inferring Character Traits Reading Comprehension: 2 worksheets 6 short passages that encourage students to identify characters' actions and make inferences about traits (3 passages per page with character traits word bank presented at top of each page).
*Observed Vs. Inferred Character Traits: Cut and Paste
•Character Traits Graphic Organizers
*Observed Vs. Inferred Chart: Two Colum table.
*Character Analysis Map: Writing space and visual cues targeting expression of visual traits, internal thoughts and feelings as well as vocabulary that may describe the character. Also features round frame to draw the character.
•Character In Me Writing and Craft An open ended writing activity that encourages students to write about the trait(s) that best describe them:
*Full page lined with blank character outline for students to write and illustrate
*Full Page lined with sentence starters and character outline for students to write and illustrate
*Full page character outline for students to illustrate
*Full page characer outline with lines for students to write on.
*character outlines/cutouts blank and lined side by side
* Mini poster “Got Character” (prints on one page) to enhance a bulletin board.
Note: Lamination suggested for durability. Colors may vary depending on the quality of your printer.
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